Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New year, new me

Today is January 1st, 2013.
It is the start of a new year.
A chance to make a clean slate.
Make this year better than last year.
A lot of people make New Year's Resolutions.
I try every year and I do well for about a week and then I fail.
I feel like that is how most people are though.
This year, I want it to be different.
I need to lose 52lbs to get to my goal weight.
I need to lose that weight by Mid-May/Early June.
I want that summer body.
I need that summer body.
I need to be healthier.
I have been having chest pains for a long time and I was always scared that they had something to do with my heart or lungs. I've only smoked a handful of times and I don't even do it the right way because I fear that I will get cancer because that is just my luck. My mom has had a couple of heart attacks at a young age so that is always a concern. Diabetes runs on both sides of my family and my chances of getting it are very high.
All of these health problems are quite the concern.
Anyways, I went to the doctor for my chest pain and I was dreading it the entire time. I didn't want to know if there was something wrong with my heart or lungs. I did but then again I didn't.
I was diagnosed with Costochondritis. which is basically like arthritis in the ribs, near the breastbone and the sternum. This usually occurs from a blow to the chest or something. That makes perfect sense because when I was in high school I was a base in cheerleading. And my flyer, though I loved her dearly, was not the lightest flyer in the world.
THANK GOD it is nothing too serious.
But still.
That was motivation enough for me to get healthier and not smoke at all anymore. It's gonna be a challenge but it's something that I have to do.
I need all the prayers that I can get.
Thank you and also thank you for reading this!
first blog - DONE.
New year, new me.

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